On July 21st and 23rd, the laboratory successfully conducted an open-day event at the Xinzhi Building in the High-Tech Campus. This event was specifically organized for the summer camp participants from the Computer Science Department and the Big Data Department, with nearly forty campers in attendance.
In the afternoon of July 21st, the laboratory welcomed five computer science summer camp participants. Students from the laboratory, including Li Jiuwei, Huang Yimeng, and Pan Yuhan, warmly received the visiting campers. To get to know each other, laboratory members and visiting campers introduced themselves briefly. After gaining an initial understanding of the research interests of the attendees, laboratory members provided detailed explanations of the laboratory's primary research areas. Li Jiuwei and Huang Yimeng highlighted the lab's outstanding achievements in fields like passive computing and passive networks, while Pan Yuhan introduced the main research areas in smart healthcare and smart society within the group. Additionally, the engineering team's Wang Zhouji and Yin Xin demonstrated the laboratory's self-developed rail transportation positioning system. The students expressed their appreciation for the laboratory's achievements, and Lin Zihao from Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics even engaged in technical discussions with the engineering team students. Subsequently, Pan Yuhan explained the summer camp assessment system, and Li Jiuwei and Huang Yimeng addressed related questions. During the interactive session, students from the lab engaged in deep conversations with the campers, answering questions about research directions and graduate admissions assessments. Pi Jiacheng from Lanzhou University showed particular interest in the field of smart healthcare, and Pan Yuhan further introduced the projects undertaken by the smart healthcare group, emphasizing the balanced approach to research and engineering within the group. In addition, Yang Yifan shared some insights from his over three years of research experience in the group, encouraging everyone to maintain a curious and exploratory spirit in their research journey. The students expressed full recognition of the laboratory's academic atmosphere and expressed their desire to join the laboratory in the future.
Figure: students from the lab communicated with the campers
In the afternoon of July 23rd, the laboratory welcomed more than thirty summer camp participants from the Big Data Science Department. Students like Huang Yimeng introduced the participants to the laboratory's basic information, including research directions, core principles, and management systems. Students like Cao Linxiao, drawing from their own research experiences, presented the laboratory's main research areas in the field of smart healthcare. After the presentation, Du Changhuan from Jilin University expressed his interest in the development of rail positioning beacons and posed related questions. Huang Zhanxiang provided detailed answers to these questions. Laboratory members and visiting campers engaged in lively discussions on various other topics, and the entire open day event concluded in a harmonious atmosphere.
Figure: the scene of lecture
Through the summer camp activities, the laboratory established a platform for communication between the laboratory and outstanding students from outside. It introduced the laboratory's research achievements and promoted the core philosophy of interdisciplinary research within the laboratory. The laboratory will continue to maintain an open and inclusive attitude, dedicated to creating more opportunities for communication and cooperation with outstanding talents, working together to advance the field of scientific research.