Recent years have seen various acoustic applications on mobile devices, e.g. range finding, gesture recognition, and device-to-device data transport, which use near-ultrasound signals at frequencies around 18-24 kHz. Due to the fixed low sound sample rate and hardware limitation, the highest detectable sound frequency on commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) mobile devices is capped at 24 kHz, presenting a daunting barrier that prevents high-frequency ultrasounds from benefiting acoustic applications. To bridge this gap, we present iChemo, a technology that enables COTS mobile devices to sense highfrequency ultrasound signals. Specifically, we demonstrate how to detect the power spectral density (PSD) of a high-frequency ultrasound signal by customizing the coprime sampling algorithm on COTS devices. Through our prototype and evaluation on extensive mobile devices, we demonstrate that iChemo can sense the PSD of ultrasound at frequency of 60 kHz, which is over twice of the current sensible frequency threshold.
Yuchi Chen; Wei Gong;Jiangchuan Liu;Yong Cui
Ultrasonic imaging,Sensors,Frequency measurement,Ultrasonic variables measurement,Smart phones,Frequency modulation